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Coastal, Marine & Blue EconomyImpact Project Develop'tOur WorkPrivate

Bycatch- Free Fish Trap- Feasibility assessment

EnviroStrat led the development and testing of the prototype of a bycatch-free fish trap. The trap is designed to improve the selectivity of commercial fishing by eliminating bycatch of non-target species and juvenile fish, and removes risk to seabirds, and impacts on marine mammals. EnviroStrat thoroughly investigated the feasibility of the device and carried out a trial of the prototype in the Leigh Harbour lasting 5 months to test its effectiveness in meeting the success criteria for the project. A number of challenges with the design aspects of the prototype were identified and solutions to fix these were provided to…
February 12, 2020
Coastal, Marine & Blue EconomyImpact Project Develop'tIwiOur Work

Mussel Spat Farm Investment Case – 90 Mile Beach

EnviroStrat prepared the Investment Case for an open ocean 1,200 ha Mussel Spat Farm off 90 Mile Beach for three far north tribes and the aquaculture sector to address a critical risk to future growth of the mussel sector. EnviroStrat worked with the three tribes, industry, stakeholders, and MPI, as well as potential investors throughout the process. The investment case involved strategic assessment, consideration of social, environmental, cultural and economic factors, detailed financial modelling, legal analysis and engineering design.
February 12, 2020
Coastal, Marine & Blue EconomyImpact Project Develop'tOur WorkPrivate

Feasibility of seafood sector Impact Investment in the Hauraki Gulf

EnviroStrat led a study, funded by Foundation North, into the feasibility of impact investment to provide the pathway to a high value, low impact seafood sector in the Hauraki Gulf. This included several elements of the fishery sector; shelving fishing quota, converting the current trawling fleet to more sustainable methods, development of high value salt water fishing tourism, development of fin fish aquaculture, and the creation of a sustainable fishery brand for the Hauraki Gulf.
February 12, 2020
Impact Project Develop'tIwiLand & Water ManagementOur WorkStrategy, Research & Analysis

Restoration of Te Waihora / Lake Ellesmere

EnviroStrat was engaged by Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu to prepare a restoration strategy for Te Waihora and surrounding catchment, as current approaches that rely on government grants are not having the required impact on the highly impacted estuarine lake and catchment. EnviroStrat identified innovative approaches to monetising and scaling restoration through payment for ecosystem services including carbon forestry, trialling blue carbon within the lake, use of freshwater / brackish macroalgae for nutrient removal, wetland creation for both water quality and biodiversity impact, as well as environmental impact investment.
February 12, 2020
Impact Project Develop'tLand & Water ManagementOur WorkPrivate

An Innovative Approach to Large Scale Land Use Change: Upper Waipā Impact Investment Feasibility

The Waipā catchment is a significant contributor to the sediment and nutrient load of the Waikato and Waipā River catchments. Waikato River Authority and Waikato Regional Council catalysed and funded a feasibility study to investigate whether impact investing could enable accelerated land use and/or land cover change to achieve multiple environmental and social benefits, whilst delivering a positive financial return. The project built on the environmental enhancement projects that have been identified and prioritised through the Waikato River and Waipā River Restoration Strategy and the priorities identified in the Waipā Catchment Plan and Healthy Rivers Plan Change.  Traditional solutions to mitigate and improve…
February 12, 2020